Bible Correspondence Lessons (Grades 2-7)
All students in grades 2-7 who have attended overnight camp at Camp Grace are encouraged to do our Bible Correspondence lessons as a means to study God's Word at home while earning a $100 scholarship for completing an entire lesson course each year.
These lessons are free of charge and begin during summer camp each year. Please contact Mrs. Chita Martens or call our office at (910) 628-6326 with any questions.
TEAM Bible Correspondence Lessons (Grades 8-12)
All students in grades 8-12 are encouraged to do our T(Teens) E(Excited) A(About) M(Ministry) Bible Correspondence lessons as a means to study God's Word at home while earning a $100 scholarship for completing an entire lesson course each year.
The enrollment period is from August - January each year and the lessons are free of charge. All previous overnight campers that qualify are automatically enrolled. Please contact Mr. Timmy Martens or call our office at (910) 628-6326 with any questions.