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Learn more about how we serve our community

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Camp Grace exists to serve children and families, teaching them to love God, His Word, and His created World. In order to fulfill this mission, Camp Grace hosts a number of special events each year for all age groups. Church groups, families, and individuals are always welcome. More information about each event will be available about a month before the event, but please mark your calendars and plan to join us as often as you can throughout the year!



Camp Grace and its army of volunteers are currently ministering to approx. 4,000 students in 28 local public schools in Robeson County, NC through Released Time Bible classes. Every year, we see hundreds of children come to know Christ as their personal Savior from sin through this vital ministry.


Is Released Time New?

  • No! Released Time began in 1914 and since that time, thousands of children have come under the influence of the Gospel through Released Time programs all across the country. However, most Christians are totally unaware of the wonderful opportunity that God has made available for us to reach young people in this way.

  • Camp Grace began Released Time classes in 1991 when it became impossible to go directly into the public schools to teach the Bible.

How Does It Work?

  • After local school board and individual principal's approval, interested parents give their permission for children to be "released" from school for a designated time to go to a location off the school property (we use nearby church buildings or our Rolling Chapel classroom pictured on the right). There, they can be taught the wonderful truths of God's Word by CBM workers.

Are Such Programs Legal?

  • Yes! In 1952, the constitutionality of Released Time ministry was tested in the Supreme Court case of Zorach vs. Clauson (343 U.S. 306). The ruling found such ministries not to be in violation of the United States Constitution.

  • The court said, "When the state encourages religious authorities by adjusting the schedule of public events to sectarian needs, it follows the best of our traditions, for it then respects the religious nature of our people and accommodates the public service to their spiritual needs. To hold that it may not, would be to find in the Constitution a requirement that the government show a callous indifference to religious groups. That would be preferring those who believe in no religion over those who do believe."

Why is Released Time Necessary?

  • While most parents choose to have their children attend public schools, they are concerned about the increased secularization that the doctrine of humanism has brought to their students' classrooms. They realize that traditional Christian value systems are being undermined, leaving children vulnerable to amoral peer pressures. They are concerned that their children are missing the teaching of moral/ethical values taught in the Bible which produce the personal character that made out country great. Since public school teachers are restricted from teaching Biblical truth in the classrooms, parents see a need for a special time of instruction when Biblical values can be taught. A Released Time Bible program has proven to be the answer to this critical need in numerous school districts.

  • It is true that many students have no understanding of God and the Bible. Well over fifty percent of those in Released Time classes do not attend any church. Therefore, this program provides wonderful opportunities for evangelism. Consider these words from the booklet Released Time Religious Education: An Overlooked Open Door, prepared by the Christian Legal Society: "...It is an opportunity overlooked by most parents, clergymen, and educators. Religious Released Time is the most effective open door by which students may receive religious instruction during their school day. Released Time is the only means by which religious instruction... is allowed during the school day."


Summer is our most favorite time of the year. We bring in our summer staff from all over the country and they get the opportunity to pour their lives into the children and teenagers that we are dedicated to minister to all year round. We run one week of Red Cross lifeguard training, one week of summer staff training and then five weeks of overnight camp and one week of day camp every summer. Each week of overnight camp, campers arrive on Sunday afternoon and begin "An Adventure that Lasts a Lifetime." The experiences and Biblical knowledge gained at summer camp will stay with them their entire life, and it is a priceless experience to be able to serve in any capacity in this ministry.

During the summer of 2016, we began our camper experience awards. Campers are given experience handbooks and as they try new activities and accomplish new goals, they receive experience points. These handbooks provide a great reminder to campers as they tell their parents about their camp adventures. As they return each year and add to their "Lifetime Adventure Points," they can reach various award levels. Please click on the button below to see the names of some of our most famous campers!



  • All of our facilities are available year round (with the exception of June and July because of our summer camp ministry) for overnight or day use by churches, families, organizations, etc.

  • Camp Grace is a great place for special events like family reunions, church picnics or revival weekends, conferences, youth retreats, dinner meetings, birthday parties, etc. (We apologize, but we are unable to host weddings or wedding receptions)

  • Each group is encouraged to schedule (or let us provide) a time of Biblical instruction or spiritual enrichment

  • Catering options are available, or you can provide your own food. Trained staffers will be provided for activities that require them (such as lifeguards, etc.).

Contact our office at or (910) 628-6326 to inquire about available dates and pricing.



If the cost of camp would be a burden for your family, there are ways in which you can reduce the cost of camp. Families are first encouraged to pursue our scholarship correspondence program, in which young people get monies for completing lessons sent through the mail. We also encourage young people to take advantage of discounts throughout the year. After this, if the financial burden would continue to prevent your young person from coming to camp, you may pursue filling out a scholarship application.

The Logan Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund

  • After completing a full course of scholarship lessons, all students that can provide evidence of true financial need may apply for scholarship through the Logan Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund.

  • Registrations for summer camp and applications for the LWM Scholarship Fund begin February 1st each year, please contact our office at or (910) 628-6326 to apply.


(910) 628-6326
145 Grace Drive
Fairmont, NC 28340



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Camp Grace has 501c(3) status from the IRS. Every dollar given to Camp Grace is used to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Financial information about Camp Grace and a copy of our license are available from the North Carolina State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919.807.2114. EIN #56-2032480

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