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Secret Service is a servant leadership over the summer for young people ages 13-15 who are interested in serving behind the scenes at summer camp. It is a FREE program, allowing our future leaders to get some hands-on experience working at camp before they would graduate into a paid position, like counselor or program staff. Young people who would like to participate in this program need to fill out an application online and demonstrate an openness to learn, grow in Christ, and serve during key parts of the day.

The primary service that Secret Service accomplishes is preparing, serving, and cleaning up for meals. The cleanliness of the dining area is their responsibility, under the leadership of three adult leaders who will work with them in both the kitchen and dining hall. The second service that they will accomplish is serving in "The Refuge," which is our "Snack Shack." During the week of staff development, Secret Service will be trained in how to use the equipment in the kitchen and how to work in "The Refuge." Between these two primary jobs, Secret Service will be working about a 40 hour work week.

Though Secret Service works hard, they also have the opportunity to play hard. All camp activities are open to them during the summer. They are encouraged to interact with the campers during these activity times, knowing well that the campers look up to them. Everyday at camp, members of Secret Service will have the ability to go swimming, attend both activity periods, and even more, have specific night games that are only available to them. Ask any former Secret Service member - the program is a lot of work, but it is also a TON of fun.

What we at Camp Grace want to do is raise up our next generation of leaders during this program. We believe wholeheartedly that a good leader must first learn how to serve, but we also want to develop them in other ways. We want our Secret Service to understand the "SCOPE" of what they were made for. Scope stands for this:

    Strengthen their resolve to chase after Jesus

    Connect them with mission opportunities to give them a global view of missions

    Outfit them with new and transferable skills 

    Pattern a work ethic for them that will assure their success in any career

    Educate them in how to share their testimony and what it looks to follow Jesus

At the end of the summer, we want our members of Secret Service to be excited about serving the Lord and ready to bring their skills and passion back into their community.


We ask that Secret Service members work the whole summer, if able. However, we understand that over the course of a summer, there may be family vacations, sports training camps, mission trips, etc. that may make availability less than the entire summer. We want to work with our young people; however, understand that we may consider a young person who can work the entire summer before we consider someone who can only work two weeks. If an applicant must miss weeks of camp, please ensure that it is marked accurately on the application and any changes are discussed with the ProgramDirector, Mr. Timmy (you can reach him at his email at

Summer 2024 Schedule

Training Week: June 9th - June 14th

Elementary Week 1: June 16th - June 21st

Teen Week 1: June 23rd - June 28th

Day Camp: July 1st - July 5th

Teen Week 2: July 7th - July 12th

Middle School Week 1: July 14th - July 19th

Elementary Week 2: July 21st - July 26th

Middle School Week 2: July 28th - August 2nd

Training week is the only week that is mandatory for first time Secret Service members.
Day Camp is a relaxed week, giving the Secret Service members the evening off.

Start and End Time: During normal overnight weeks, camp opens at 2:00 pm and begins for staff at 3:00pm on Sundays in the Dining Hall for our "first meeting." Staff are expected to begin at 3:00, so please ensure that Secret Service are moved in and ready to serve at that time. At the end of the week after the campers leave, the staff cleans the camp in preparation for the next week. Secret Service are expected to serve until 5:30. We have a "celebration" in which we have a snack, celebrate what God has done that week, and give information on the next week. This celebration is not mandatory for Secret Service, but are invited to attend if they would like. Celebration usually ends between 7:00-8:00.

Weekends: Though special arrangements can be made, we ask that Secret Service members return home on the weekends unless there be a special circumstance in which they need to remain at camp. Any secret service member who wishes to remain at camp over the weekend must have written permission from their parent or guardian, and approval must be given by the Program Director.



If accepted into the program, Secret Service need to pack the same things they would if they were a camper. They will be staying in the same cabin all summer, so they can bring things to personalize their bunk as they see fit. They may also leave personal items in their cabin over the weekend as long as their space remains tidy and clean. 

Kitchen Requirements: For the job, Secret Service must bring a comfortable pair of closed-toe shoes to wear at all times when they are working in the kitchen. This does not include crocs with holes over the top of the foot. Members with long hair must tie their hair back when serving food; it is highly recommended to wear a hat during meal prep and service. The camp will not provide hair restraints, so please come prepared with hair ties and a hat.  There will be times when they are working with cleaning chemicals and difficult messes, so having clothes that they don't mind getting dirty is always helpful. 

Electronics: Secret Service are allowed to bring their phones and other electronics, but they must remain stowed at the staff lounge and used only during breaks. Phones are not permitted in the cabins, nor are they permitted to stay with the secret service member while they are working. If the Secret Service member must get in touch with a parent, they can ask their supervisor for permission to use their phone. Parents may call or text the Secret Service supervisor if they need to get in touch with their child at camp outside of their break. This policy is not to limit the member's freedom, but to help protect them and us. Phones pose a risk because of the camera, and we do not allow cameras inside the cabins or anywhere a camper may be to help mitigate this risk. Phones are also unnecessary distractions; camp is a place to unplug from the distractions. We hope that you understand and help us in this. 


We are so thankful that you would allow your child to work with us this summer. Know that we will do everything in our power to give them a safe environment for them to have fun and grow as a person and in Christ. At all times, there will be an adult to supervise them; these adults were handpicked by the full-time staff, and we are confident that they will connect well with your child. Here are a couple notes to keep in mind during the summer while your child is working.

Off-campus Activities: During training week and Day Camp, we will sometimes do off-campus activities. Secret Service must check in with their supervisors before participating in off-campus activities. They must ride with an adult driver unless special permission is granted by a parent. Secret Service members will be required to sign-out and sign-in with the full-time staff member anytime they leave campus. If a secret service member need to leaves for any reason (doctor's appointment, practice, etc.), they will also need to observe the same sign-out and sign-in procedures. 

Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Action: Secret Service members will review and go over a code of conduct during training week. You can learn more about our code of conduct here. They will agree and sign to this code of conduct; it will outline expectations for behavior and review what is and is not appropriate. Any member of the staff that breaks this code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, as outlined in our handbook. Our procedure is as follows:

    1. A Verbal Warning

    2. A Written Warning (usually involving a formal meeting)

    3. Expulsion

Any disciplinary action will be reported the parent as well. Please also be aware than any major infraction of the code of conduct may result in immediate expulsion. However, it is to note that the purpose of this program is to raise up leaders, and we will work with your teenager to help them meet the standards that are set before them.

Sickness Policy: Sometimes, a member of the staff will need to be sent home to help aid in their recovery if they were to get sick at camp. The Camp Nurse (who is a registered nurse in the state of North Carolina) will be the one to make the official recommendation that the member go home to rest and recover in conjunction with the Camp Director and the Program Director. When the member returns home, please allow for them to become fully well before sending them back to camp. This is especially true for stomach bugs; any type of stomach illness will prohibit a Secret Service member from working with the food. 

Rest on the Weekends: One last note to consider–your child is going to be working long hours during the week. We recommend that they have plenty of time to rest when they go home over the weekend so they are prepared to give their all during the next week. 


(910) 628-6326
145 Grace Drive
Fairmont, NC 28340



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Camp Grace has 501c(3) status from the IRS. Every dollar given to Camp Grace is used to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Financial information about Camp Grace and a copy of our license are available from the North Carolina State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919.807.2114. EIN #56-2032480

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